Geocaching in Navarre: discover our hidden treasures

Do you still not know what Geocaching is all about? Don't worry... it's never too late to try new experiences.

It's a global outdoor treasure hunting game. These treasures are called “caches or geocaches” and there are more than two million treasures hidden around the world.

To get started you need to register in the application. You can then use the App to get the coordinates to find the cache you're hunting for. In the application, you'll also see clues and comments from other hunters and which might help you.

•    The caches: there are different types and sizes and difficulty ratings to find them. For example, they may be hidden in a container that's the size of a bottle cap, or in a box that's the size of your hand.
•    Logbook: you'll always find one in the caches and you can sign it.
•    Small presents: sometimes the caches include small items (such as a marble, a badge, a sticker...). Take note! If you remove an item, then you must leave something in exchange that is of equal or greater value.
•    Share your experience: once you've done the exchange, you need to put the treasure back just where it was so that other participants can find it. Then upload your experience to the application, as this will be useful to other hunters. If you're unable to find the treasure, you can also comment on this because there's bound to be another participant who can help you out.
•    Beware of “muggles”: you are advised to do geocaching discretely so that the muggles (non-geocachers) don't find out that you're treasure hunting and, even less, where the treasures are located. So, if you're with kids, get them to act like “spies” when geocaching.


Now that you've got detailed information on all the steps to get started in this world of geocaching, all that remains to do is to select one of the treasure hunting proposals in Navarre. There are more than 40 hidden caches!

  • Route of the Castles and Fortresses of Navarre there are 10 milestones in which camouflaged boxes have been hidden, including games of clues that you need to decipher in order to find the treasure. If you find the treasure, you'll get a “Castle conqueror” diploma.
  • The Romanesque Route of Navarre there are 54 iconic milestones that are hiding 10 chaches. If you successfully find all of them, then you'll go on to the second phase which will lead you to the final treasure.
  • The 5 Rail Trails of Navarre will also surprise you with treasures hidden along the 120 km of trails. Either by bike or on foot, enjoy the variety of scenery and finding the caches along the way.
  • On the paths of Tierras de Iranzu there are 12 hidden treasures. Close to the Tourist Information Point in Tierras de Irantzu, there is an information panel on the paths and geocaches to be found on the longest route, the one going up to the Monastery of Irantzu towards the Arantzadia mountain pass. Find the caches while enjoying the scenery.

So, get going and enjoy the adventure!

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