Mapa de Navarra resaltando la zona de Comarca de Sangüesa y Prepirineo

Ruta por la Comarca de Sangüesa y Prepirineo

Another area that lovers of cultural tourism just adore. And no wonder; just look what treasures await you here.

Los imprescindibles de esta zona

Mapa turístico de la Comarca de Sangüesa y Prepirineo

Ubica los hitos de esta zona en el mapa

Vista aérea del Monasterio de Leyre

Monastery of Leyre

As a an appetiser, let’s start with the ​​​​​​​. One of the most important architectural ensembles in Navarre. Set in a natural landscape with a large reservoir as a backdrop, the site is worthy of an oil painting. Its 11th-century crypt, the Gothic vault and the famous Porta Speciosa — beautiful door — are the monastery's architectural highlights.

And one thing we recommend is that you stop, but really stop, to listen to the Gregorian chants sung by the Benedictine monks who live there.

More information about the monastery

Castillo de Javier

Continuamos hacia el Castillo de Javier, situado a 8 km. Una construcción de origen medieval muy querida por el pueblo navarro por ser el hogar de su patrón, San Francisco Javier. Conoce la habitación del Santo, la capilla de San Miguel y el museo, con su atractivo recorrido de dioramas que entretendrá a peques y mayores. Y seguro que también te encantan la Torre del Homenaje y el puente levadizo porque… ¿a quién no le gusta en un chasquido de dedos trasladarse a otro tiempo?

Más información del Castillo de Javier
Castillo de Javier
Church of Santa María la Real de Sangüesa

And what can we say about Sangüesa?

Well, it’s a small historical town in the east of Navarre on the minor branch of the French route of the Way of St James, and it one thing that makes going there an absolute must: the Church of Santa María la Real and its imposing doorway, a Romanesque masterpiece and national monument since the 19th century. Worth a visit in its own right, you can make the most of your time and discover the fascinating history of the town and see other interesting buildings such as the Church of Santiago and the town’s two palaces: the Baroque Palace of Vallesantoro with its spectacular wooden eaves and the mediaeval Palace of the Prince of Viana. 

Oh, and if it’s summer and you plan on having lunch around here, try some potxas, fresh white beans which are a real delicacy.

The icing on your trip to the Middle Ages

Here are two small but great places. Aibar and Gallipienzo. And what have they got? Well, nothing less than the charm of authentic villages, narrow, cobbled streets, Romanesque churches and magnificent views of the surrounding area. Ideal places to unwind in one of the delightful rural hotels or local houses for rent.

Gallipienzo at dusk
pochas frescas y una vaina con pochas


  • Pochas (alubia blanca)
  • Caviar de esturión
  • Costrada de Aoiz, postre que combina una corteza parecida al bizcocho con una crema suave en el interior
  • Vinos de Baja Montaña
  • Vinos ecológicos

Turismo activo para amantes del deporte

And if you want to make the most of your free time and enjoy a wide range of activities, be sure to check out our things-to-do section.

Agenda de la Comarca de Sangüesa y Prepirineo

  • Javieradas

    No updating

    Varias fechas


  • Offal route

    No updating

    08 feb - 25 feb

    Offal route

  • World environment day

    No updating

    05 jun - 08 jun

    World environment day

Articlesof interest

Petilla de Aragón, el islote navarro que vio nacer a Ramón y Cajal

Petilla de Aragón, el islote navarro que vio nacer a Ramón y Cajal

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