Alsasua carnival

In Alsasua, the carnival fiestas are held on two days.

On the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the rural carnival is held in which the most important characters are the Momotxorroak. Their costume consists of sheepskin protection on their back, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and arms painted blood red; a horse's mane in front of their face and a basket with some enormous horns over their head; collars with small bells and cowbells that create a real racket, and holding a pitchfork to terrify people even more.

Subsequently, different characters have progressively been included, to enrich and give continuity to the fiesta, making a spectacular entourage, with great participation by the public, packing the streets of this town of Alsasua.

And on the Saturday following Ash Wednesday, the Piñata carnival is held (the Piñata being the Sunday after the first day of Lent), a fun, colourful and more up-to-date event.

Click here for more carnival plans in Navarre.

04 mar - 04 mar