Bardenas Reales Natural Park

Get into nature!

Fairytale landscapes including beech forests, limestone gorges and caves

Navarre is a land of transition, in which four different climates coexist. As a result, Navarre is noted for the diversity of its landscapes and the stunning contrasts of its geography. The mountain peaks and green valleys of the Pyrenees are followed by rolling hills, vineyards and crops to finally give way to the Bardenas desert. This diversity is a gift from nature, a privilege that we are proud of and thankful for.

Here you'll explore trails that will take you to mountain peaks, forests, woodlands, caves, vineyards and deserts. And even the Way of St James itself will leave its mark on you in these lands.

The perfect place to find your inner peace amid a patchwork of landscapes that changes at each point of the compass. And, what's more, the colours change with every season, to offer you a different picture, yet always powerful and peaceful.

The almost 180 km that cross Navarre from north to south are set to offer you a fairytale scene, one that allows you to practice your favourite activities in the heart of nature.

Must-visits in Navarre for nature lovers

If you're just planning on spending a short stay in Navarre, then you really must visit some of these beautiful spots. Although they're all as different as day and night, they each have a charm that you'll possibly never forget.

Click on them to discover everything that you can see and do at these top nature spots


Fairytale woodlands

It's time to take shelter under oak and beech trees, and appreciate the sounds of the woodlands in Navarre, where the fauna and flora go hand in hand to create a fresh ambience full of different shades of green in spring and summer, turning russet in autumn.

  • Hermitage Virgen de las Nieves and landscape in ocher tones in Irati

    Irati Forest

    One of the most iconic natural areas in Navarre and the Pyrenees. And we're not just saying it, it's really true! Irati is one of the largest and best-preserved beech and fir forests in Europe.

    It's a place to take your breath away and comfort your soul at any time of year. Its more than 17,000 hectares of almost virgin nature offer a host of sport and leisure options, including rambling among meadows, beech trees or alongside the Irabia reservoir, trail riding on your MTB or painting a picture with the autumn colours.

    All about the Irati Forest
  • Natural Park of Señorío de Bertiz

    Señorío de Bertiz Natural Park

    This was the first place to be declared a Natural Park in Navarre. Over the centuries, the Atlantic has had a marked influence on this area, to create this wood full of beeches, cypress oaks and oaks.

    Take a stroll through the park and botanical gardens, which are a showcase for biodiversity, with species from all over the world. Admire its ponds and pools and visit the palace.

    What's more, its Interpretation Centre will give you an insight into this beautiful place.

    All about Bertiz
  • Eurasian blue tit in Orgi forest

    Impressive oak groves

    Majestic trees, some are hundreds while others are thousands of years old. Their strange shapes create mysterious atmospheres and their incredible size is simply jaw-dropping. The following are well worth a visit:

        - Orgi wood in the Ultzama Valley.

        - Monumental oak trees in Jauntsarats in Basaburua

        - Thousand-year old oaks in Etxarri Aranatz. This trail can be extended to include the dolmen trail.

        - Oak grove of Altsasu/Alsasua

  • Person with dog walking through a beech forest

    Enchanted beechwoods

    We're aware that the beech woods of the Irati Forest are the most sought-after, but make no mistake, all beech woods convey an aura of peace and tranquillity. To mention but a few:

    The Mountaineers Itinerary and the enchanted beech woods of Urbasa

    Iturburua in Bertiz

    Dronda- Mata de Haya in Belagua

    Basajaunberro woodlands in Orreaga/Roncesvalles

    Tres Hayas Trail, which is one of the bunker trails at Auritz/Burguete

    Quinto Real Forest

  • Information panel

    Leitzalarrea Forest

    Mainly populated by beech and oak trees, although meadows and bracken are abundant, as are various conifer types.

    But there's more to Leitzalarrea than nature alone. The megaliths scattered around the land demonstrate that humans have been in this area since time immemorial. Mining was also important for centuries and there are still many vestiges and remains of the former foundries.

    Make a visit and check out the information panels showing the different trails and walks.

    More information on Leitzalarrea
Riparian vegetation

When water plays the leading role

  • Crystal clear waters in the Nacedero del Urederra

    Source of the River Urederra

    One of the wonders of Navarre in sight!

    This river source is a natural outlet for the aquifer formed in the Urbasa-Andía Natual Park and the exceptional colour of its waters led it to be named Urederra which means "beautiful water" in the Basque language.

    To check this out for yourself, simply follow the 7 kilometre path running alongside the river to get some colourful views: the turquoise of the waters, the greens and russets of the vegetation, the azure of the sky... An easy-to-walk trail that will take you, following the pools, to one of the most luxuriant spots in Navarre.

    All about the Source of the River Urderra
  • Gorge of Lumbier and Arbaiun

    Gorges of Lumbier and Arbaiun

    Pay attention! Because you're looking at one of the most impressive natural phenomena: the gorges in the Navarre Pyrenees.

    And the fact is that, here in Navarre, these canyons or ravines are called gorges; it has taken the rivers millions of years to carve out these narrow valleys in the limestone. The result is an extraordinary landscape, with narrow corridors and currents of air that give us a really unique ecosystem which is a haven for numerous birds of prey.

    The most well-known gorges are the Gorge of Lumbier, carved by the river Irati and now a greenway, and the Gorge of Arbaiun, whose panoramic views from the Iso pass should not be missed.

    All about the Gorges of Lumbier and Arbaiun
  • Leurtza reservoirs

    Leurtza Reservoirs

    Amid the woodlands in the Atlantic area of Navarre, these mountain lakes emerge as an attractive surprise. Surrounded by beech woods, they look like they've been taken out of a fairytale. Along their easy-to-walk trails, you'll be able to see the uses, fauna and flora in the area and, what's more there's a picnic site that makes this natural area an ideal spot for families.

    All about the Leurtza reservoirs
  • Alloz reservoir

    Alloz Reservoir

    Very close to Estella-Lizarra, you'll find this reservoir with calm, turquoise waters surrounded by gall oaks, thickets and pine trees. It's the perfect place for water sports or to take a dip in summer. It's ideal for getting started in sailing or paddle surf with no worries about currents. While, if you're after something relaxing, you can hire a water pedal boat, canoe or book a boat trip. Picnic areas, toilets, shade, car parks and bathing areas are all there. Everything ready to enjoy a sweet day on a freshwater beach!

    All the activities available on the Alloz Reservoir
  • cascada de belabarce


    Navarre is a land whose striking landscapes captivate everyone who comes into contact with them and water plays a leading role in many. Its long rivers and streams crisscross the geography of the region and stunning waterfalls couple majestic mountainous heights with thick woodland. These nature spots are so compelling you won't be able to resist photographing them.

    Blog about the most beautiful waterfalls
  • piscina fluvial

    Wild swimming spots

    Are you one of those people who likes to dive straight in or do you prefer to enjoy the gradual contrast of temperatures? In Navarre’s rivers, reservoirs and wild river pools, you have the perfect opportunity to live a refreshing experience like no other.

    Take the plunge and discover three wild swimming spots that will take your breath away, and find out the best things to do in the area. It's time to enjoy water and nature in its purest state in spectacular settings!

    I want to find out about all of Navarre’s wild swimming spots.

Must-visit sierras in Navarre

By now, you're sure to have realised that Navarre is not lacking in natural areas. Quite the opposite, we have so many that it's complicated to highlight the merits of each one without getting too involved. Even so, we're going to continue our efforts to show you all our natural treasures. We're almost there.

  • Sierra de Aralar

    This karst massif shared with the neighbouring province of Gipuzkoa forms a unique landscape based on limestone pavements, blind valleys, caves, green meadows and endless beech groves. In short, it offers attractions for everyone!

    Rambling between woodlands and dolmens, pretty villages that stand peacefully on the lower slopes of the Sierra, such as Mugiro, Iribas or Arbizu, or a visit to the Romanesque Sanctuary of San Miguel de Aralar located at a viewpoint that has an altitude of more than 1,200 m. These are just a few examples of the things that you can do in these unforgettable places.

    See all the plans near to the Sierra de Aralar
  • Urbasa-Andia Natural Park

    Located no more nor less than at an altitude of 1,000 metres, this great karst massif combines woodlands and large tablelands in a place where it is customary to see horses and sheep grazing. The sheep's milk is used to make the delicious D.O. Idiazabal cheese.

    Don't miss the impressive views from its northern slopes towards the mythical mount Beriain and Sierra de Aralar, and also from the Balcón de Ubaba viewpoint in the south, which falls abruptly to form the impressive cirque of rocks around the Source of the River Urederra.

    See all the plans near Urbasa

Feel like staying on in nature?

Nature plans organised by professionals

Nature plans organised by professionals
Experience an adventure, but with the support of professionals who will guide you and tell you secrets that you'd never discover by yourself.

Articlesof interest

Los 12 mejores baños de bosque del otoño en Navarra

Los 12 mejores baños de bosque del otoño en Navarra

Discover the Bardenas Reales desert in Navarra

Discover the Bardenas Reales desert in Navarra

Piscinas naturales en Navarra

Piscinas naturales en Navarra

Las cascadas más bonitas de Navarra

Las cascadas más bonitas de Navarra

Descubre el arco de Portupekoleze en el Parque Natural de Urbasa-Andía

Descubre el arco de Portupekoleze en el Parque Natural de Urbasa-Andía

Other plans to complete your nature tourism visit to Navarre

So you can see that Navarre is a destination for nature tourism, set to surprise you at every step you take, giving you a warm welcome at any time of year.

Do you still want more? Then don't miss what's coming:

  • Dish made with asparagus tips Cuisine


    Treat your palate to authentic Navarrese cuisine. All washed down, of course, with local wine.

  • Church of Santa María de Eunate Culture and roots

    Culture and roots

    Travel to the heart of the old Kingdom, where Navarre’s truly splendid cultural heritage will quench your curiosity.

  • Girl in the park of La Taconera City breaks

    City breaks

    A weekend goes a long way when you're in Navarre. Culture and pintxos join forces to bring you the best of urban leisure.

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