Royal Palace of Olite at dusk

Ruta por la Zona Media navarra: Olite y comarca

Mapa de Navarra resaltando la zona Media

Ruta por la Zona Media navarra: Olite y comarca

An area of transition between the foothills of the Pyrenees and the plains of the Ribera where you'll soon notice the local love of wine on the doorways of its churches, at its wineries...

Los imprescindibles de esta zona

Mapa turístico de la Zona Media navarra: Olite y comarca

Ubica los hitos de la Zona Media navarra en el mapa

Vista del pueblo de Ujué


Another picture postcard village is Ujué; narrow cobbled streets lined with stone houses, the Sanctuary-fortress of Santa María de Ujué at the top of the hill and amazing views of both the Ribera and the Pyrenees.

And no less important, its migas de pastor (shepherd’s breadcrumbs) served on a brazier; they’re the real thing! And San Martin de Unx is a nearby village with a church crypt well worth visiting.

See everything to do in Ujue

Artajona and other jewels of the Romanesque

This glorious era has left us several interesting relics in this area. First of all, you have the Cerco de Artajona, a mediaeval fortification with nine towers and a church whose roof resembles a dragon’s back which you can take a guided tour of if you want to climb up; from there you have a great view of this pretty village.

And then there’s the Monastery of La Oliva, home to some twenty white-robed monks, with its Cistercian church, Gothic cloister and chapter house.

And finally, the small Romanesque churches in La Valdorba.

Ver los planes de Artajona
Walls of Artajona
Roman archaeological site of Andelos in Mendigorría

The culture of origins

And if your love of the ancient is pure devotion, between Olite and Estella-Lizarra you can find the Iron Age archaeological site of Las Eretas, declared a Site of Cultural Interest, and two Roman archaeological sites, each with a museum: Arellano, with its spectacular Mosaic of the Muses, and Andelos, where you can see the complex water system the Romans used. And if from Olite you head south, you’ll come across the mediaeval walled settlement of Rada, just a stone’s throw from Bardenas Reales


  • Espárragos de Navarra
  • Vinos D.O. Navarra
  • Migas de Ujué
  • Tortas de Txantxigorri
  • Turrón royo de Artajona
  • Almendras garrapiñadas de Ujué
  • Caramelos de café con piñones de Tafalla

Experiencias enoturísticas

Acércate a las bodegas de Olite, San Martín de Unx y otros pueblos de la zona para participar en sus originales visitas guiadas y descubre sus secretos para elaborar caldos de gran calidad.

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