Pareja paseando por el Señorío de Bertiz

Travel sustainably in Navarre

Eco-friendly travel is compatible with some interesting and fun-packed holidays.

Come and see for yourself!

Sustainable accommodation

Sustainable accommodation

Navarre is one of the Spanish autonomous communities with the greatest number of holiday accommodation offers located in exceptional natural settings

Choose between a huge range of rural holiday homes, campsites, hostels and some unique types of accommodation in which the natural scenery provides great added value. Once you're there, you'll discover the great difference between simply sleeping or relaxing with this unique tranquillity that nature gives us.

You'll also find hotels, hostels and apartments that are increasingly including sustainable practices in their management and services.

  • Rural houses in Navarre

    Navarre was a pioneer in proposing a type of tourism that is in contact with the local culture, a culture that starts with the houses themselves.

    Experience staying in one of the beautiful stone-built houses to be found in the small villages and hamlets, places in which traditions are kept alive, as well as authenticity and respect for the environment.

    The offer in rural tourism accommodation has evolved and you can now find proposals for agro-tourism, restoration or activities in the surrounding area.

    Would you like to stay at one of the best rural holiday homes in Navarre? Discover them here.

  • Unique accommodation offers

    To get even closer to Mother Nature, what better option than to stay in accommodation that blends in with the environment!

    You'll sleep like you've never slept before: immersing yourself in the depths of the earth inside a cave; in a little timber house built on a hundred-year-old oak tree; in an igloo with views of the forest; or in a luxury lodge in the middle of the valley.

    Would you like to feel this fusion with nature? If so, check out the list of unique accommodation offers in Navarre. Discover them here.

  • Campsites and lodges

    Another highly recommendable option is to stay at a campsite and either sleep under the stars in a traditional tent, or book a comfortable lodge or wood cabin, a very attractive alternative. 

    Click here to make your campsite booking in Navarre.

  • Sustainable accommodation

    And, if you prefer to stay at an establishment that works with sustainable practices, we've added this link of interest with a list of hotels, properties, apartments and rural holiday homes, with charm, luxury, located in historical buildings and, moreover, with very good ratings that are working in the interest of sustainability. + Info

Stunning landscapes

Offered by the Pyrenees, its forests, valleys and rivers, the desert of the Bardenas Reales biosphere reserve,the gorges, waterfalls and river sources... natural settings that are a reflection of the tremendous biodiversity of this Kingdom of Navarre, a biodiversity that is the result of the confluence of three climates: the Alpine, Atlantic and Mediterranean. Natural landscapes that have remained intact, thanks to the awareness of the local inhabitants themselves and to the measures adopted for the conservation of the villages and the environment.

Stunning landscapes
  • Natural parks and reserves

    Navarre boasts 9 ecological districts, 44 types of ecosystems, 53 habitats of interest, 3 natural parks and 42 sites of community interest.

    15% of the animal species in the Iberian Peninsula are to be found here. Nature in Navarre is written in capital letters and you can feel it almost everywhere.

    So take a look of some of these places on our website and, if we win you over, don't hesitate to come and enjoy them right here!

    We're talking about the nature parks of Bertiz, Bardenas Reales and Urbasa-Andía, and forests such as the Selva de Irati, valleys such as the Baztán, river sources including the Urederra, and limestone gorges like Lumbier and Arbaiun.

  • Natural pools

    Would you like to take a dip in the heat of the summer, in a peaceful setting surrounded by nature? Well, a natural pool is just the thing for you.

    You can take a refreshing dip in pools, reservoirs, freshwater rivers or saltwater springs. More than a dozen places dotted around Navarre, in which the quality of the water and the bathing conditions are supervised by the Department of the Environment, so that safety and fun are guaranteed!

    Some of these need to be booked in advance.

  • Rambling and MTB to get filled with fresh air!

    Walking or pedalling along listening only to the accompanying sounds, enjoying a good chat or the silence, looking around and committing the sights to memory, these are little pleasures that are within your reach during rambling and cycle tourism activities, thanks to the tremendous network of routes to be found in Navarre. Explore our GRs and local paths that go by hermitages, run alongside rivers, around reservoirs and villages, or take you into the depths of the wood.

    So go on and indulge yourself! Get more information on trails and cycling tourism in Navarre.

From the market garden to the table

From the market garden to the table

If you're into tasting fresh local produce, then come into our restaurants and sample our menu! 

We'll start with produce from the Ribera market gardens in the south of Navarre: warm cream of asparagus, mouth-watering sweet red Piquillo peppers, a delicious vegetable medley, chard stalks stuffed with shellfish and tender artichoke hearts. 

We'll continue with lamb chops from the Basin of Pamplona, roast suckling pig reared in Tierra Estella, and lamb from the Pyrenees, paired with a rich D.O. Navarre wine from the vineyards in the Central Area. If you feel like sinking your teeth into a steak in a cider house that uses its own apples to make its cider, then check out this proposal and don't be left wanting.

And dessert? We're going to use the milk from the sheep and cows grazing in our meadows to offer you D.O. Roncal or Idiazábal cheese with quince jelly, junket or cream horns, all finished off with our digestive liqueur par excellence, Pacharán (sloe berry anise liqueur) D.O. Navarre.

And that's not all! We've also got truffles, wild mushrooms, fresh white beans from Sangüesa, chistorra (fresh paprika sausage), cardoon, olive oil... many with the D.O. seal or with the Reyno Gourmet seal.

plato de borraja con almejas

Slow food restaurants

At zero-km restaurants, chefs and local producers form an excellent team to offer us locally-grown seasonal produce prepared with care and creativity. In turn, they turn away from the standardisation of dishes and respect traditional culture. A perfect tandem, don't you think?

This slow food philosophy is committed to reducing the carbon footprint by promoting the consumption of local, seasonal produce and avoiding genetically modified food.

I'd like to eat in a slow-food restaurant in Navarre

Gastro experiences

Where do all these mouth-watering products come from?

You can find out by taking part in a truffle hunting experience or fungi foray, visiting a workshop for organic biscuits, going into a hop field and making your own beer, visiting a honey-making facility, exploring a vineyard and tasting the wine in the cellar, or an oil press and tasting the oil, accompanying a herd, exploring a cheese-making dairy and tasting the cheese, or even a salt deposit and tasting the bio-salts.

If you're interested in these and other gastronomic proposals, you can get more information in the plans section.

I'd like more information on all the gastronomic plans in Navarre
Gastro experiences
Flea market, Organic markets and Organic plans

Flea market, Organic markets and Organic plans

Ekomercado de Pamplona (organic market)

Organic produce from Navarre is on sale in the morning of the first Saturday of each month in an iconic place, namely the old bus station in Pamplona. An awareness-raising space in which you can purchase seasonal produce, fresh and processed, directly from the producers, while enjoying tasting sessions, workshops, demonstrations, music... Opening times: 9.30 h to 14h: + info

Mercadillo de las Buenas Pulgas de Pamplona (Pamplona flea market)

Held on the same dates as the organic market, the flea market can be found in the beautiful square of San José, next to the cathedral. In this market all the products are recycled and take on a new life. As you will already know, all kinds of objects are on sale, so come along and look around, you're sure to find something to surprise you. Opening times: 10h to 14h. (except July)

Ekoplanes por Navarra (Organic plans in Navarre)

Organic producers in Navarre propose visits to their facilities to get an insight into how they produce wines, oils, biscuits, almonds and organic eggs, among others, as well as a nice walk through the surrounding area and gastronomic proposals to round off the day. + info


Let’s see that gastronomic calendar
Charge your electric car or hire a bike

Charge your electric car or hire a bike

If you're coming to Navarre with your electric car or if you wish to hire one in order to make this "mindful" sustainable trip, then the following public charging points are available.

There's also the option of hiring a traditional or electric bike and exploring our Rail Trails, MTB areas or doing part of the Way of St James. Click here for more information.

2 electric vehicle-inspired touring routes through Navarre

We're proposing 2 touring routes that will allow you to explore Navarre from north to south, while ensuring that you are always within range of an EV charging station at every stage of your trip. Do the routes at your own pace, allowing 2 or 3 days for each one. This will give you time to take in some of the most-visited tourist attractions in this beautiful region, ranging from desert scenery in the south to the verdant Pyrenees in the north, including castles, the Way of St James, Pamplona, the capital city of Navarre and, of course, its rich and varied cuisine.

Route 1 - From the Atlantic to Pamplona

Route 1 - From the Atlantic to Pamplona

This route, which you can follow on Google Maps, will take you from the Regata del Bidasoa river area in the northeast as far as Pamplona, passing through the Señorío de Bertiz nature park, the Quinto Real forest, Roncesvalles and the Lónguida valley. A route that combines green valleys dotted with the typical Basque farmhouses (caseríos), slow tourism, history and gastronomy. Don't forget to try the locally-grown red beans, delicious meat dishes and local dairy products for desert, such as junket (cuajada) or cream horns (canutillos de crema).

  • Bera and Lesaka: enjoy a peaceful stroll through the old quarters of these towns, admire their noble houses and churches, and the beauty of the surrounding countryside.
  • Balneario de Elgorriaga Spa: How about floating in its flotarium? The high salinity of its waters means that it's no easy task to go underwater, as you'll be floating like you've never done before.
  • The town of Elizondo: the capital of the Baztan valley and the setting for the successful novel and film from the Baztan Trilogy. Explore its squares, bridges and streets and create immortalising moments with your camera.
  • Señorío de Bertiz: recharge your batteries in this nature park, where you can discover its botanical gardens and enjoy a stroll along one of the paths that run through this leafy woodland.


  • Quinto Real forest: another awesome natural option standing at the foot of the Eugi Reservoir, where you can visit the former Arms Factory.
  • Roncesvalles: continuing in the Pyrenees, but now at the start of the Way of St James in Spain, a legendary place. The beautiful Gothic Collegiate church awaits you there, and the excitement of the pilgrims starting out on their journey towards Santiago.
  • Lónguida valley: cross through this peaceful valley and stop off in the town of Aoiz, to discover its medieval bridge and its narrow streets with a flavour of the past. And, talking about flavours! Don't leave without tasting the traditional dessert of Aoiz, the delicious costrada! Costrada is Spanish for crust and is a pie with a golden, cake-like crust and an exquisite creamy filling. You won't regret it!
  • Pamplona: enjoy the atmosphere of its old quarter, the magnificent Gothic cloisters of its cathedral, its medieval churches, its city walls which are a National Monument and, of course, its famous pintxos (tapas). The capital city of Navarre is set to surprise you!

* Charging stations: Bera (filling station and town hall), Lesaka (near the route, town hall), Balneario de Elgorriaga (near the route), Elizondo (near the route and town hall), Zubiri (two public stations at the sports centre and nursery), Espinal (service station), Orreaga/Roncesvalles (town hall), Ecay de Lónguida (Hotel Ekai), Valle de Egüés valley (town hall), Pamplona/Iruña (various).


Route 2 - From the Way of St James right up to the desert

Route 2 - From the Way of St James right up to the desert

Navarre is a Kingdom of Diversity, and you've now got the chance to judge for yourselves! (You can follow the route on Google Maps). While the north of Navarre offers you lush countryside, the Central Area is set to surprise you with its tiny Romanesque churches scattered along the Way of St James, as well as castles, monasteries and Gothic palaces, and a landscape of grain fields and vineyards that finally give way to a sensational desert in La Ribera in the south of Navarre, used as a setting for films. How about doing this route? Let's go south!

  • Estella-Lizarra: this small town named the "Toledo of the north" exudes the very essence of the Way of St James, through and through. Take your time to explore its old quarter, where you will come across some real medieval gems such as the Palacio de los Reyes (Palace of the Kings), the church of San Pedro de la Rúa and that of San Miguel.
  • Puente la Reina: the two branches of the traditional French Way join up right here in this small town, to then run along the beautiful street of Calle Mayor and cross over the graceful Romanesque bridge and continue as a single Way of St James. Would you like to do this historical route as well?
  • Artajona: a medieval village with a walled enclosure and a church with an inverted roof... Something that's worth taking a look at!
  • Olite: don't miss one of the major tourist attractions in Navarre, the rambling Royal Palace of Olite. A Gothic gem that you are free to explore, climbing up its different towers to enjoy an awesome view of the surrounding area. The Parador hotel is located in the oldest part of the building, so if you feel drawn by its magic, then spend a night there.
  • Ujué: Be sure to try the typical migas de pastor (Shepherd's breadcrumbs) and the garrapiñadas (caramelised almonds). These are sure to perfectly round off your visit to this beautiful medieval village, built on a hill and which is crowned by the impressive fortress-church of Santa María.
  • Carcastillo: in this town, although a visit to the Monasterio de la Oliva, a monastery inhabited by Cistercian monks, is well worth while, it is unfortunately temporarily closed for repairs. So, you will have to wait until 2024...
  • Arguedas: the town at the entrance to the awesome Bardenas Reales desert, declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
  • Tudela: the most important city in the south of Navarre. This former Jewish quarter, which was also inhabited by Muslims and Christians, was the melting pot of cultures as evidenced by its churches, palaces and cathedral. Are you aware that it is also the "Capital city of Vegetables"? The nearby river Ebro is largely responsible for this. Take the opportunity to taste the sweet red peppers, artichokes, asparagus, borage and vegetable medley, because they're really something different here!

* Charging stations: Estella/Lizarra (various), Campsite in Lerate (near the route), Puente la Reina/Garés (public), Artajona (town hall), Olite (various), Rada (public, near the route), Caparroso (public stations), Valtierra (public stations) and Tudela (public stations and Hotel AC Ciudad de Tudela).

Articlesof interest

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Navarra, donde otro turismo es posible

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4 planes eco-gastronómicos para degustar Navarra... saludablemente

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